Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Hello Kowi Good Bye Blast Furnace (english)

bahasa indonesia | english
After a second failure with cupola furnace, I decided to switch to using the kowi furnace as suggested by Mr. Amin (who make comments about kowi furnace at previous post). Following in-depth consultation Padang - Trenggalek by phone, the kowi furnace installation would be installed by the maestro himself.

Photo 1. Mr. Amin next to the kowi smelter
First time kowi furnace come from Trenggalek, East Java, I can not imagine how to doing the installation. This Furnace weight almost 300 kg, was delivered using a 10-day truck expedition, Dakota. To lower it from the expedition truck were dropped it to the ground sufficiently. This furnace made of cast steel with 5 cm thickness. To move the furnace is quite carried by four men by hold the lips of each side.

Photo 2. a 300 kilogram kowi smelter
The first step is to make the installation of kowi furnaces is placing rough cement floor at 2 x 2 meters dimension, with 20 cm thickness. At the bottom center placed a fire brick as the furnace holder. Furthermore, the bottom furnace/cricible cemented by clay. Since looking for clay is difficult, mr. amin recommends replacing it by using red clay brick finely pulverized and sieved at 80 mesh. This material is then mixed with water and then mounted on the bottom of the kowi furnace.

photo 3. fire clay at the bottom of the furnace
at the bottom of the furnace is then closed with fire brick and custable (herein called the fire cement). Fire bricks for sale in Padang Rp 30,000, - / pcs. While custable quite expensive. Made in Thailand worth Rp600.000 / sack, while made ​​in Germany for Rp1.200.000 / sack. To conserve custable used ordinary cement mixture with a ratio of 1:4 to 1:5 in certain parts. Making this furnace takes 2 days with 4 people working.
photo 3. kowi furnace's bird eye view
photo 4. kowi furnace distance view
The process of drying the furnace takes approximately 5 days. Furthermore, we will enter the test phase. My next post will discuss about testing The furnace.

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